Monday, January 14, 2013

Here's To Year 15!!

Morning Everyone!
I am up cramming for midterms, but that's not the point. I have officially entered Year 15! It's so hard to believe that I was only 21 months when I was diagnosed. Trust me it's been a long journey. I am so proud of everyone who has ever put up with my diabetes. Trust me that's a lot of people.
     Anyways last night I had some one ask why I celebrate having diabetes for so long. It may seem weird to them or you, but to my family it's an accomplishment. It means another year of crazy fighting and awful bloodsugars have passed. It means that I've survived another year without a cure. My Mom said something last night that truly touched me...
    "I'm proud that she has made it through another year. And she doesn't let the disease have total control over her life. It's a part of her. She's not a part of it".
What she said is true. Although if she were to have said that 8 years ago it wouldn't have been true.  When I was younger I used to be embarrassed to no end about my diabetes. I was like that until I went to Clara Barton Camp. A diabetes camp for diabetic girls. Get this when we first went my mom didn't tell me and I flipped out and stopped talking to her. I was 8 then. Now I'm 16, and you can't get me to leave that place. Without camp I have to wonder who I would be. Would I still be so very shy with my diabetes? I sure hope not. Without camp.. God, I don't know who I would be. Without Diabetes I have no clue who I would be. Needless to say I think that if they were to cure diabetes to say I would be so lost.
Here's to year 15!

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