Friday, May 3, 2013


Morning Everyone!
So a lot of people ask why I love have "Diabuddies".  Diabuddies are generally friends you have that also have diabetes. I have a bunch of them. The best is one girl who is literally down the street from me. We both connected over our diabetes. Plus it's great to have some one who understands. I could call Meghan at 2 in the morning, about a high bloodsugar. Provided she would be mad that I woke her, she would get it. It can happen to all of us. Literally. Plus there is always that random low party where we just sit there and laugh at every little thing. I'm not sure that anyone else could get it. I love my diabuddies.
Here's To Year 15!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Dear Diabetes...

Hey Diabetes!
It's Rachel and I just wanted to talk.... Could you please stop messing up my sleep? I mean why am I 94 right now? And after i give some insulin for my bed time snack, could you please not wake me up at 2 this morning? Also do you think we could work together so that I won't feel all that gross if I forget insulin? Is there anything you and I can agree on? Can you let me eat pizza and chinese food? And perhaps not let my blood sugar run high? There are so many things I could ask of you, but let's make this a team effort? Ok?