Monday, June 17, 2013

Bionic Pancreas? For It? Or Against It?

I can almost imagine it. Waking up in the morning not having to check my blood sugar, just sort of living in the moment. Now what makes me think this? The Bionic Or Artificial Pancreas. It is almost the cure for diabetes. Sounds Cool right? Well according to most diabetes blogs, it's amazing. So why am I hitting the brakes?
   It seems as though I wouldn't know how to live without diabetes. I mean I have had it for 15 years. I have to wonder how life will change. Will life become easier? Less stressful? These are questions I ask myself when I think about this. What are your opinions?
Here's To Year 15 (And Maybe The Last?)

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Fast Food and Diabetes- Can They Mix?

Just a few minutes ago I got the dreaded phone call....
    "We are getting McDonalds"
This literally sends me into a panic! I mean of course I know all the ways to handle it, but the real question is which one will work? But Don't worry my friends, I always have a solution. Remember I am not a medical Professional.

Step 1. Add up ALL Carbs- Don't shortchange fast food! Yes you can occasionally do that with home cooked meals, But NEVER EVER on fast food. Trust me I speak from my own stupidity.

Step 2. Give insulin at LEAST 20 minutes BEFORE. Believe it or not having insulin just slightly before your meal can help! It will be in your system and getting ready to peak as the gross fast food hits your lips. Clever right? I also tend to do my insulin off my blood sugar. If I'm a little higher I might give a little more. Lower? Just the normal amount.

Step 3. For Pumpers Only! Depending on the pump you have you should have a option to spread your insulin intake out. People on shots, are you confused? Basically what my pump has is a feature that allows me to take insulin in small portions spread out over time. Why does this help? Well if the fat of my food won't kick in for an hour, I can still be getting insulin up to two hours after my original bolus. Covering EVERYTHING!! It's amazing!

Step 4. Make sure you have all your carbs correct before you bolus. Usually on most meals they have the carb count, but if you want to pre-bolus use a calorie king or some other carb/calorie counting site or App. This can Help ensure a better number afterwards

Step 5. Check 2 hours after the meal! This can help control blood sugars for a longer period of time. Trust me I know checking the sugar can be annoying, but this will help you. I swear. Well most blood sugar checks do help you, but this one especially. If you do one two hours after it can help lower any sugar that might be affected by the fat. Helping you get more sleep... Hopefully
Here's to year 15!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Frequently Asked Questions

So I wanted to cover some FAQ's tonight. Also I am not a medical professional so please do not seek my medical advice!

1. What Are Some Diabetes Symptoms?
     Well most of the symptoms (that I've noticed) are like having a high blood sugar. The Symptoms can include:
          - Constant Thirst- You're body needs to urinate and spill ketones!!
           - Constant Urination- You are constantly drinking keep urinating Let those ketones spill!!
2. Is there  such thing as "Bad Blood Sugars"?
          No! No blood sugar reading is good or bad! They just give you information on what you might need to fix. And try not to tell your kids "It's time to test". Why? You can fail tests my friends, but you can't really fail a blood sugar checking! So try to say "It's time to check your blood sugar". It might help things run more smooth.
3. Do you have to wear a pump?
           Here We go! No the insulin pump is not the only option for the treatment of diabetes. I feel that it is the best treatment, but other people may and will feel differently. That is ok! You don't have to conform to a pump wearing society! Be unique! You are special just the way you are.
4. Why do you celebrate every year you have had diabetes?
          It's like an accomplishment. Like it's another year my family and I have made it through the challenges. We made it through what could have been a year of heartbreaking defeat. And you know what? Our feet are still on the ground! That alone is amazing.

That's all the time I have for now!
Here's To Year 15!