Friday, November 15, 2013

11 Years Ago...

Hey Everyone!
As I am getting ready to go to camp this weekend I started thinking. It was 11 years ago I started my camp journey. Along the way there have been many speed bumps. But camp reminds me that diabetes is a part of everyday life. There have been many hero's along the way too. Today I wanted to honor one hero who truly changed my life. Her name? Caitlyn. She had been at camp my first weekend. Over the years we became closer and closer. My first pump weekend she helped me get on a minimed pump. When a silhouette fell out she put  me on a quick set. She encouraged me to do things I never thought I could do. Almost 9 years later I did put that silhouette in with Caitlyn. She taught me how to take diabetes and make it a part of me, not all of me. Without her I'm not sure who I would be.
Here's to year 15!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

When You Don't Succeed...

Hey Everyone!
I wanted to talk about when you don't always succeed at something. Perseverance is key. Sometimes you can't always complete your goal right away, and that's ok. I fail at my goals too sometimes. It's all ok. There are a few things I usually try when I can't do something. It's usually when I can't put a site in.
   1.Don't Over Think It- I over think putting a site or cgm in the wrong place all the time. Will it be hard to sleep with? Will it hurt if I get bumped in school or at powderpuff practice? Is it going to fall out randomly? I ask all these questions and usually think of an answer that will prove I should avoid putting the site in. But why? My blood sugars are better when I wear a stomach site. It's comfortable, why do I avoid it?
    2. Just try it- So maybe you don't like having your site in your arm. At least you tried. No one is going to be mad if you don't keep it in. Do what feels good to you. Trying something is better than not doing it at all.
    3. Never give up- So that site doesn't work now, but it could later in life. If you keep trying something you are sure to either fall in love or hate it. Don't push yourself too much, but try that site maybe once every 3 months.
Thats all I've got for now. Stay strong and Never EVER give up. You'd be amazed what you can do when you set your mind to it :)

Here's To Year 15!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Taking A Risk For Diabetes Awareness Month

Hey Everyone!
So it's November! You all must know what that means!! It's Diabetes Awareness Month! This year I decided I wanted to do something different. I wanted to take a diabetes risk that would result in better care. And that's when I decided I wanted to put both my site and CGM in my stomach. It was a lot of me talking the idea up. Then I realized that if I didn't do it now, it would never happen. I watched my hand push down on the trigger and heard the needle fly into my stomach. I'm not sure if I felt anything. Then I had no clue how to get the sensor off the inserter. So I ran upstairs to mom. She removed the insertion device and the needle. I then attached the transmitter and waited for the green light. While staring at my stomach I realized I needed medical tape. Why it took me so long to realize? I don't know. Then as I frantically scurry around getting medical tape; I have a revelation. I need to change my site. I stop and think
    "Eh lets make it a double whammy"
After getting my CGM secured I grabbed a pump site and just inserted it. Easy as 1,2,3. I couldn't believe it.
Here's To Year 15!